Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Journal (3)

Journal (3)

Q Reflect on your initial thoughts about the terms and concepts related to compensation from your initial Pre-Assessment Test Your Knowledge journal posting. How have your perceptions changed? What do you know now after completing the module? ________________________________________ • Conduct a job analysis of your own (current or past) job. • Compare it to the job description that goes with that job. Are they the same? How much don’t you do that is reflected on that job description and how much extra work are you doing that is not on that job description. • Propose changes/revisions to the respective job description.

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As the course is getting more and more knowledgeable, I can literally feel that I am gathering enough knowledge and information. I think I am forming concrete and detailed perceptions of everything asked in the pre-assessment. Compensation now means a specific amount of money given by the company for their fault. In case, the health of an employee is damaged or anything worse happens the company in which the person was working will be liable to get the compensation. An employee is a responsible worker who works for obviously some personal interest and thereby utilizing his knowledge for the organization. Independent contractor is one kind of stakeholder who gives independent service to the firm.